Franchising plays a major role in the United States economy. The impact of franchised businesses can be felt on many economic levels.
-There are 909,253 franchised business establishments in the United States.
-Franchised businesses provide more than 11 million jobs, or 8.1 percent of the national private-sector workforce.
-Franchised business produce goods and services worth $880.9 billion per year, or 4.4 percent of private sector output in the United States.
-There are more than 78,000 franchises across Canada.
-Franchised businesses demand products and services from other businesses and provide income to their workers and owners, who then spend their income and create still more income for other parties. As this cycle repeats, the jobs, payroll, and output that exist because of franchised businesses grow beyond the jobs, payroll and output that are in franchised businesses alone.
-Canadian Franchise Association membership grows at a rate of 10 percent per year.
Sources - International Franchise Association Economic Impact Study and the Canadian Franchise Association. For more information and full results of the study, visit the IFA website and for specific information about franchising in Canada, visit the CFA website.